A Good Idea Gone Away
I gave up on a photo project this afternoon before I began it.
On the surface, it is a wonderful idea. An opportunity to explore an extended set of photographs of the same or similar objects over a full year. Each week would be slightly different. Same object slightly different.
The idea came from a childhood fascination with a once-a-year event and is now something that happens every day across almost all of the civilized world. It has become so common that most of the populace doesn’t grasp the gift it has become.
One of the best parts of the project would be having to build an entirely new skill set of inquiry, business, photography, and presentation.
Then I remembered the Gardens of Adonis and how the verdant results were tossed into the sea after just days of growth when they could no longer be supported by the medium in which they grew.
The photo project could take at least one day a week of research, writing, explaining, and exposition. And I’m probably the only person interested in the results.
The results might be of great value to someone or to me. I just don’t want to spend time with something that might require a mythological understanding by a future generation.
There are more than enough projects in my path to work on. Don’t need another one.
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