Catechetical Wondery
First, you’ve got to know the rules. And, the rule of thirds.
A good catechism will always instruct on the rules of conduct, faith, prayer, and sacraments.
A good photo catechism will always instruct on the rules of conduct (ethics), faith (inspiration and comfort), prayer (meditative for photographer and viewer), and sacrament (building a body of work.)
Trouble is, everybody’s got their own catechism and we’re always fighting over which one is the correct one. The correct way to follow the rules, and the rule of thirds, to make great photos.
Sometimes there is a conflict over equipment. Other times disagreement over format. Then there’s the trouble with styles and types. Never been a resolution in art photography, if such a thing exists. Don’t get started on the latest disagreement over film vs. digital.
Had a priest once tell me that some things should always remain a mystery. Not sure I agree but I’m working on it as I construct my catechism.
Sometimes people apologize for stepping in front of me. I always answer that they shouldn’t worry. “Everybody’s got to be somewhere” is my answer. “It just so happens this is where we both belonged.”
My catechism of photography adheres to the somewheres in my life. All the instructions of conduct, faith, prayer, and sacrament put me somewhere near a photo every day. It’s up to me to apply the teachings to find it.