Dolly Perfection
"Dear Dolly, Baron Dolly Parton" delves into the photo series created by Alice Hawkins, a British photographer, The series features drag queen performers paying homage to the legendary country singer and icon, Dolly Parton. It highlights the significance of Dolly Parton as an inspiration to the LGBTQ+ community, particularly drag culture, and how her image and music have been used to empower and celebrate diversity.
It also discusses the importance of drag culture in breaking down gender norms and promoting self-expression. The author notes that drag has been a way for many people to express themselves and explore their identities. The photo series is currently on display at the National Portrait Gallery in London, where visitors can see the stunning portraits of the drag queens in their elaborate costumes and makeup paying tribute to Dolly Parton.
Overall, “Dear Dolly” celebrates the power of art to celebrate diversity and promote inclusivity. It highlights the importance of icons like Dolly Parton and drag culture in inspiring people to be true to themselves and embrace their unique identities.
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