Is This Real?
Sometimes I’m lost. Just outside myself. Looking in. Looking around. Considering the place. The time. The need. The answer(s).
Never really sure about the expectations. About me.
Will my photos be for just me or will they create wonderment for someone else?
Then, I remember the wonderment is reserved for me. Only me.
If someone else gets a similar response it is their wonderment, not mine. Even if they don’t experience wonderment or any reaction or a reaction counter to mine, that is their moment, not mine.
The strength and confidence that comes from a strong awareness of self makes for better photography. It makes a better photographer. It makes for a greater sense of wonderment for the people who see your photos.
Sometimes getting lost in the search for wonderment will make you explore yourself, not the subject. The subject becomes unimportant as you discover yourself.
If Jung is correct our collective consciousness binds us. Discovering more of yourself increases your awareness of others and their lives. And their wonderment.
Then the subject becomes wonderful.
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This is an Amazon link where I make a few pennies to help pay for my life. Today’s book is Modern Man In Search of a Soul. Find yourself among the pages.