The One Photo
Every time I do a photo edit, I’m always looking for the one photo that best tells the story.
Began my newspaper and wire service career when getting more than one photo published for any story was extremely rare. Unusual to get more than one photo published with any story except college football.
The other exception was being a wire service photographer in the film days when an assignment required two photos, sometimes including college football. One for morning papers. Another for the afternoon papers. An AMer and a PMer. And, they had to be completely different and just as storytelling and visually interesting as each other so each newspaper thought they got the best photo.
I still look for that one photo that best captures the story. Sometimes it appeals only to me or needs a caption to set the location and incident.
With the advent of digital creation and delivery to an ever-growing number of social media sites and display platforms, I sometimes think the single storytelling photo gets lost in the deluge.
I’m lucky. I was trained to think single- image. Not sure I’d know what to do if I’d not been taught to make it all happen in one frame. Or two.
Try it for yourself.
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This is an Amazon link where I make a few pennies to help pay for my life. Today’s book is Moments in Time: 60 Years of Associated Press News Photos.